[Fwd: Re: [xiph-rtp] Chaining]
Luca Barbato
2005-09-01 23:38:41 UTC
Looks like is getting too late for me to continue...
Luca Barbato

Gentoo/linux Developer Gentoo/PPC Operational Leader

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From: Luca Barbato <***@gentoo.org>
Subject: Re: [xiph-rtp] Chaining
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 03:07:51 +0200
Size: 2952
Url: http://lists.xiph.org/pipermail/xiph-rtp/attachments/20050902/b12a03c2/xiph-rtpChaining.mht
Tor-Einar Jarnbjo
2005-09-02 07:38:52 UTC
The same problem could apply even w/out the codebook, I'm afraid.
Of course it would not. The audio stream can only be transmitted at one
rate, and that is the rate of the audio stream itself.
You always have to initialize the session anyway, so in a way or another
you have to exchange some data even explicitly (as in chosing the url
that is right for your connection)
What do you mean with this?
Since it is an external protocol I'd like to remove it.
The all the other protocols are, in other, yet to be defined, I-Ds.
Your are right about the random numbers, we could have a look at the
various possibility and evaluate the optimal bandwith in each case.
Yes, I am and it makes me very concerned that you are building your
opinions on obviously very wrong assumptions.

